We strongly encourage you to download our free Cleanse Guide, study it and come to understand what our Cleanse is all about and if it is for you. Only you can answer the question of whether you’re ready to cleanse. You can find that answer for yourself by learning about pH, electrolytes and how to test yourself to see if you have adequate electrolyte reserves. Like preparing for a workout or other strenuous exercise, you must prepare for successful cleansing. People who work out regularly generally understand the need to maintain electrolyte balance in the body. It is also a vital part of preparing your body for the Cleanse.
The cleansing process requires adequate electrolyte reserves to efficiently and effectively move toxins out of your body. You may need to replenish your electrolyte reserves before starting a Cleanse. A simple pH test will show if your electrolytes levels indicate that your body is ready. Your test results may show that you are overly-acid. You might also produce a result that shows that you are overly-alkaline. This might indicate Candida or an even more serious health condition. Over-alkalinity arises from long-standing over-acidity. If you test highly acid or highly alkaline and cannot bring your pH into balance through diet, it would be wise to consider your overall health condition and consult with your health practitioner.
Who should not Cleanse?
Anyone who cannot pass the pH test and children should not Cleanse. Pregnant and lactating women should wait to cleanse until after the child has been born and weaned. People with diabetes and other serious health conditions should not cleanse unless closely supervised by an experienced Professional Health Care Practitioner.